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The Dryad Lore of Dusty Miller: Meet the Trees

Dit Engelstalige artikel over de bomenwijsheid van Dusty Miller 13th schreef ik voor Sacred Energies, online magazine van Energetic Geometry van Dominic Susani & Karen Crowley-Susani. Het is het vervolg op The Dryad Lore of Dusty Miller.

The Dryad Lore of Dusty Miller:
Meet the Trees

After meeting Dusty Miller 13th on that rainy September Sunday in the Vondelpark in Amsterdam, I wanted to learn more. With a study group I travelled to the United Kingdom to visit Dusty in his home county of Kent. This is the area where his family has lived and roamed during countless generations. Dusty kindly offered to introduce us to his one-legged family and friends, the Trees. After that memorable week with our group, Dusty decided to leave his retirement and travel to the Netherlands again to give his famous Walk and Talks.

Meeting Trees in Kent

As Dusty is a brilliant storyteller with a wonderful sense of humor, our introduction day went by in a flash. Dusty told us the story of his family and tribe, living in that particular area in England, their close connection to the Wild Boar (their tribal animal) and their connection to the Trees. We were very honored and excited that Dusty was willing to take us to meet his tribe’s sacred trees.

Dusty talks about the trees as being his relatives and friends. To convey their characteristics he chooses descriptions that are easy to recognize and relate to. A sweet grandmother, the professor grandfather, that funny uncle who could do those magical card tricks, that one aunt who works as a nurse, that strange cousin who always goes his own way. You know the types Dusty means right away. We all have some of those in our own families!

Grandfather Yew’s teachings

The next day, after a wonderful drive through the hills of Kent, passing through those typical English villages with thatched roof cottages surrounding an old village green, we came to a small church. The 12th century church was surrounded by yew trees. In the Netherlands, yew trees are most often used as a low shrub-like hedge surrounding the front garden. In other places, as here in England, the yew trees of old were not trimmed and so could grow to a very large size. I could hardly believe the size of the yew trees in this church yard. One of them had a circumference of at least eight to ten meters (26 to 32 feet). We could climb up in it with five people and all disappear between the branches.

The way Dusty teaches is very practical. He does not explain anything or only very little beforehand, but rather invites you to do your own investigation. He shares his own story afterwards. So, we were left alone with this ancient Yew and opened our minds and hearts to connect with it. After about half an hour, we gathered around Dusty and shared our insights and discoveries. A wonderful thing happened there. We were using different words and images for our experiences, but the underlying main message was the same: we all felt held and protected by an ancient grandfather-like energy.

We also remembered that old saying that one often finds yew trees next the church. After Dusty's stories, we realised that it is actually the other way around. You find churches next to the yew trees. Yew trees can become immensely old, there are Yews at are at least five thousand years old and still growing. Can you even imagine what they must have seen during all those years? No wonder that the Yew is considered to be a world tree with qualities as longevity, regeneration and transformation. In Dusty’s tribe the Yew Dryad is considered the Teacher Grandfather, a retired university professor who enjoys sharing his enormous amount of wisdom and knowledge, all wrapped in useful stories. Do visit an ancient Yew tree if you are looking for knowledge, wisdom and a sound advice.

A cup of tea on Grandmother Beech’s lap

Somewhere in the steeply sloped chalk hills of Kent stands Dusty’s sacred family tree. Every newborn child in Dusty’s tribe is taken to this ancient Beech tree for a blessing. We were very honored to be introduced to this ancient Beech Dryad, we felt as if we were being introduced as new members of Dusty’s tribe. It was a large tree, as tall and wide as the two-hundred-year-old beech trees I find in old city parks or near older estates in the Netherlands. Dusty told us this tree was a stunning 1750 years old. As with all living things, trees also grow according to their environment. If there is room and there are nutrients, they can grow very large. The thin layer of soil on the chalk hills of Kent, however, does not offer many nutrients, so this beech tree grows only very slowly. But it did so steadily, and over the ages has become a very large and stately tree.

As we did before at the Grandfather Yew tree, we all scattered around the tree, opened our hearts and minds and connected to this Beech in silence. When we shared our different words, stories and insights, again our the bottom line was the same. We all experienced an embracing, loving, and kind feminine energy. In Dusty's tribe, the beech is considered to be the wise and loving Grandmother. Dusty explained that many old beech trees have large roots or low hanging branches that you can sit upon. Just like a child sitting on the lap of a beloved grandmother, held safely in her love and kindness. And as you were sitting there, you could tell her your stories and worries, and she would pour you a cup of tea and give you a biscuit. She would listen to you and sometimes offer you her wise grandmotherly advice on how to handle life. I remember my own little grandmother, sitting on the brown couch next to the gas stove, in their small apartment on the second floor in Amsterdam, smiling at me with warm love and cheerful fondness. And yes, holding a cup of tea on her lap.

Out of retirement for Walk & Talks

We visited more trees on this trip. The Oak Prince in the woods was extremely kind, the large Red Cedar held and rocked us as if we were its seedlings, and the giant Chestnut showered us in abundance. It was the journey of a lifetime. We sparked Dusty’s love of being an active teacher and he decided to get out of retirement and do some more travelling and teaching. That same year Dusty came to the Netherlands to give his Walk and Talk, the morning spent meeting trees in the woods and the afternoon filled with Dusty’s storytelling.


The nice thing about having a nature man like Dusty walk around in the woods near you, is that the dryads immediately become more attentive. In Dusty's tradition, a dryad is a tree spirit that is connected to all the trees of the same species in a certain area. Maybe you could call it a kind of oversoul or group spirit. Dusty never takes any tree for granted. He greets and communicates with them, using the word dryad (a sound vibration which they are familiar with and respond to) and they in return most often open for contact, too. The next times when you walk around in the woods or in the park, take some time to consciously greet the trees and say hello to the dryads the same way you would greet a human friend. The trees will open up to you and will be happy to show you around in their environment.

Talking about walking, did you know that the trees love to walk too? They do this by offering a cloned spirit in a piece of their wood, which you can take along with you. This so called LiveWood is gathered and prepared by the Miller Clan and can be used to assist you in all kinds of areas: health, strength, knowledge, etc. Your gift in return to your LiveWood friend is to take it along with you. It wants to learn more about the life of those strange two-legged beings that walk, cycle, ride and even fly around all over the world.

…and Talk

Dusty never prepares a talk. He tunes in to the people present and follows the guidance of the dryads about which stories to tell. You can read many of those stories in the book written about him, WyrdWood, the story of Dusty Miller by Michael Kelly. I’ll briefly share two of Dusty’s stories.

You will not find this information in any official scientific book, but there are two general types of trees: sola and luna trees (sometimes also referred to as solar and lunar). The sola trees are connected to the energy from the sun. The flow of sap streams is most active during the day. They usually have a rough bark, with deep grooves, that feels warm to the touch. For instance, in general oak, locust and some poplar have such deep grooves and are considered to be solar trees. When you spend time near sola trees, they will give you some extra strength and a power boost. A good tree to lean against while you stretch your muscles during your workout in the forest. The other type of trees are Luna trees. These are connected to the energy of the moon. The flow of sap streams is most active during the night. They usually have a very smooth bark, that feels cool or even cold to the touch. For instance, in general beech, yew, hazel and rowan are considered to be luna trees. When you spend time near luna trees, their energy will clear your mind and soothe your spirit. A good tree to visit if you wish to ease your heart and quiet your mind. Just give it a try next time you are out in the woods or in the park!

Once upon a time Dusty was working on a LiveWood walking stick. It had a very strange bump on the top which made holding the stick really uncomfortable. Dusty was questioning this line of work, but he was asked by the Dryads to trust and to do as he was told. So Dusty finished this walking stick with a very uncomfortable knob at the top. Sometime later Dusty was at a fair in the London area, where he was presenting LiveWood tools, including that particular walking stick. So there Dusty was, minding the stall, and a gentleman passes by. He looks at the walking stick, takes it, holds it in his hand, takes a few happy steps with it and immediately buys the stick. Dusty was curious about what was happening and starts talking to the gentleman. It turns out that this man had had an accident and lost one of his fingers. The bump on the top of the walking stick fitted perfectly in this man’s hand and made holding the stick very comfortable for him!

We have immensely enjoyed Dusty’s Walk & Talks at our centre for six years, until Dusty decided to truly retire. I call Dusty every so often to see how he is doing and whenever I am in the UK, I make sure to visit him and of course also visit some of the special tree friends I made there. As a loving ambassador to the trees and the dryads, Dusty has done so much and opened so many eyes and hearts to the trees. Still, humble as he is, sometimes Dusty feels he has not done enough. But, I assure him, his legacy is being passed on. Not in the least by his son Dusty Miller 14th and his daughter in law Claudia Miller, who carry on the family business. But also by people like us, people like you and me. Those who met Dusty in person, those who only heard his stories. It does not matter if you met Dusty in person or if you met him and heard his stories through others. Just keep your eyes and heart open, meet the Trees as your friends and share your tree stories with others to help them open their eyes and hearts to the trees. Thus we can all continue to appreciate and give thanks to these wonderful beings of nature: Trees and their Dryads.

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Carin Wennink (1972) had worked in corporate business for ten years and found herself to be in the proverbial rat-race. Circumstances allowed her a change in focus and after some years together with her husband Jack she founded a center where one can attend or give activities for personal growth and well being in the Netherlands. (They even erected a stone circle there in the adjoining field!)

Carin loves to inspire her clients and readers with Nature, Cosmos and Source as wise teachers on the road of self-discovery. Other master teachers in Carin’s life are her children and simply but powerfully daily life. She particularly enjoys working with the labyrinth to ground one’s path of life in trust and wisdom. Carin enjoys travelling and likes to visit the old stones, ancient springs and of course: trees.

More information about Carin can be found at www.CarinWennink.nl and you are most welcome to write a message when you have any questions or queries: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..



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